Collage of Otis employees

Our colleagues keep people moving

Hear what our teams are saying

A Seasoned Technician Becomes a Teacher

When Winnie C. started as a technical engineer with the Otis Field Support team in Hong Kong, she knew she would be partnered with a senior colleague to guide her and support her growth.

“I was quite worried about keeping up,” Winnie admitted. “But then I met Pak Yiu.”

For 35 years, he’s helped build city skylines

Otis’ Ken McDonald, Regional Field Operations Manager in Canada, answers the question ‘Why elevators?’

For Ken McDonald, the elevator industry is part of the family – literally.

Ken is a Regional Field Operations Manager for our New Equipment and Modernization business in Canada. His father was president of the International Union of Elevator Constructors for many years and became the business agent for Local 50 Toronto. On top of that, two of his brothers also work in the field: one as director for vertical transportation for a construction business and one at Otis. “My dad pushed me forward into this direction, and I’m so glad he did,” Ken said. “With my younger brother here at Otis, it’s a unique gift to be able to mentor one another in our careers.” Ken was recently featured in Elevator World’s People issue, showcasing influential and remarkable people from across the vertical transportation industry. Here, Ken shares more about our industry and some of the projects he’s worked on to provide secure and dependable passenger experiences.

Q: Do you have a favorite project? Ken: I have worked on a lot of great projects including the Place Ville Marie in Montreal and Eglinton Light Rail Transit in the Greater Toronto area.. Many of our projects are challenging due to the ever-increasing scale, size and deadlines. But as a superintendent, St. Regis Toronto (formerly Trump Tower) was my favorite. It was one of the first high-rise towers that I worked on. The 60-story project included numerous elevators, a lot of stops, plus high speed/high challenge elements. I had to find teams that could go in and install something new. We had to really pause and together think about the installation. That job finished well, and we were able to hit all of our targeted dates and schedules. Q: What keeps you coming back to work each day? Ken: I have great pride in seeing a finished building that I worked on. But I find greater pride in working with a new hire right out of school and taking him or her out on the site to show them what I know. That’s where I’m confident I can create impact and influence others’ trajectories. At the end of the day, I feel like I can go home and look in the mirror and be proud of the community that I’m helping to build. People also always ask, ‘Why elevators?’ Besides the inspiration from my dad, it really is nice to be part of building a physical skyline that you can see in your everyday routine. You can have pride in your work. It’s a great topic to talk about in your everyday conversations. Everyone has ridden in an elevator before, but not many people appreciate all of the fun facts and insider knowledge of how it works. It never gets old to share the fun facts of our industry, like how fast elevators can travel per second.

Q: So what’s the answer to how fast Otis elevators can travel in a second? Ken: Our fastest goes 32 feet per second – that’s about three stories!

Q: Last question: Why would you encourage others to pursue a career at Otis? Ken: This is my 35th year with Otis and my 15th year of management. I have learned a ton in those years and I've met so many smart people along the way, from both university and the trades. These people – my colleagues and customers – have opened my eyes to new perspectives. And I can say Otis is truly one of the greatest companies that you could ever work for. There are so many opportunities for young people coming into the industry, for both college graduates and tradesmen and women. I've personally seen the growth of our engineers in the field as Otis leverages new technologies. There is tremendous opportunity. I've seen colleagues start as sales reps and now they're running sales for the country. You can do everything you want to at Otis. You just have to be good at what you do and stay focused. Vertical transportation is a great industry!

Breaking barriers in the elevator industry

Ramona and Tanja, trailblazing sisters from Otis Austria, went from childhood tech enthusiasts to expert elevator technicians. Their work includes installing our Otis ONE™ IoT solution in buildings throughout the Vienna area, and their journey showcases the workforce expertise and reliability that is synonymous with Otis. Ramona and Tanja demonstrate that skill and dedication are the keys to success. 

Our field professional saves time with Otis ONE™ app

When field professional Jason R. first started working for Otis, knowing if each elevator on his route was running and operational meant having to drive or walk to job sites to inspect each unit.

Jason, who works out of our Sydney, Australia branch, has a route that covers a lot of territory. Due to the size of the route, this site-to-site travel could take up most of the day by itself, said Jason. If he found any units needed service, the rest of his route would be delayed for the day.

That’s the old way of doing things. Jason, a self-confessed early bird gets up at 4:45 a.m. and takes a 90-minute drive to work. Once he arrives, he checks his elevators via the Otis ONE ™ App. Now with Otis ONE™ app, I am able to monitor all of my elevators from my mobile phone in a matter of seconds. It is a great time saver, he said.

If there is an issue with any of the units at the buildings that I maintain, I will attend to them straight away, often getting there before an issue has been reported, he said. Once that has been done, I go about my scheduled maintenance shared with me via my Retriever App. I also try to make time to help my fellow mechanics where needed.

Having this smart elevator technology at his fingertips allows Jason more time in his day to listen to customer queries and feel less pressure due to time constraints.

The notification system within the Otis ONE app also keeps our customers informed of the elevator’s status, too. Smart elevators equipped with Otis ONE app notify the customer of equipment issues in real-time and automatically alerts our field professional to the elevator unit. This is extremely helpful, in places like hospitals, airports, hotels, or city buildings, where there are a lot of people on the move. Having all elevators safe and operational is crucial to these businesses running efficiently and people getting to where they need to go, he said.

Otis ONE app is not just for service calls. The customer can also access information, such as eService and equipment status, to see how efficient and effective their elevators are, explained Jason. All of this can be achieved from the convenience of either a mobile phone or laptop.

Not only does Jason use the Otis ONE app daily on the job, but he has also worked with his field service manager to install Otis ONE units in the Otis Australia head office and on-site in some office buildings.

I love my job – I get to learn something new every day, he said.

From testing to implementation, this Otis colleague keeps our teams connected

Orfa S. is a manager within the Otis Americas Digital Technology and IoT team, but she describes her job as anything and everything Otis ONE™.

As buildings get smarter and more connected, she is incredibly excited about the possibilities ahead with the latest elevator technology.

Technology advances every day, and the fact that we can take it and put it to use in our environment is thrilling for me. It brings me joy to work on the latest technology because it’s not just ‘tech for tech.’ We are always looking to see what purpose it can serve to make our lives easier, she said.

Orfa spends her days evaluating new product features and functionality, software testing, and assisting mechanics in the field with installations. She has been a part of the Otis ONE journey from its beginnings in data collection to its latest multimedia offerings.

She is proud of her contributions to the Otis ONE IoT platform and sees it as a major value add for passengers. Otis ONE is a game changer, she said. With Otis ONE we are reinforcing our commitment to safety by enabling passengers to communicate directly with an OTISLINE™ representative in the event of an emergency.

Developing and implementing Otis ONE does come with challenges, and Orfa says the biggest one is encouraging the adoption of International Building Code (IBC) 2018, a regulatory code for elevator systems giving passengers the ability to communicate with a live agent via voice, video or text while in an elevator car. While this has only been adopted in the U.S. and some U.S. territories and every new modernization and installation must meet this code, Orfa sees this implementation as yielding an even broader benefit for building owners and customers – inclusivity. The Otis ONE system includes features for hearing or visually impaired riders to easily interact with OTISLINE representatives.

Orfa says her favorite thing about working at Otis is her team. Together they have developed a strong bond and sense of trust. She credits these relationships to her professional success.

A good team dynamic has been the most amazing part of my whole journey at Otis, she said.

Smart technology ideas made possible by our smart colleagues

Otis engineer Giovanna D. loves challenges.

Even as a young child, she was fascinated by science technology, engineering and math (STEM) subjects and chose her classes in school to match her interests. Though one of very few girls enrolled in these courses, her goal was to become a electrical engineer.

Initially, she specialized in mechatronics – using her skill set to create simpler, smarter systems for the advanced automated manufacturing industry, and later applied her talents to the automotive sector. When she saw an opportunity at Otis she decided to move from her beloved south Italy, to Milan, in northern Italy. Otis has a slogan, Made to Move YouTM, and in my case, that was true, she said, laughing. That was a hard choice, but I never regretted the move - I love my job.

When Giovanna started at Otis, digitalization was already a buzzword, and soon to become an identified strategic imperative for the company. She was attracted by the idea of being part of our transformation, not only in terms of digital products and processes, but also how we apply digital tools and technology to our service business.

I contributed by developing an app, that interacts with Otis ONE™, to support the mechanics’ daily activities. In the beginning, it was just a tool to reduce paper and manage simple workflows at the branch level but, year after year, we have expanded its functionality, she said.

Today, within the app, mechanics can plan maintenance visits and revise their schedules to accommodate critical customer needs. Additionally, the app gives supervisors a dashboard view of the activities in progress. All of this data is shared with Otis ONE to provide real time updates to the customers about their units.

I love science and technology, but I also feel the need to see that what I do is useful to people in real life scenarios. The idea that this app makes the job easier and faster for my colleagues and contributes to improving the level of our service makes me feel proud, she said. I put customers at the center, not only external customers, also my internal customers: my colleagues.

Digitalization and IoT are reinventing the future of the elevator industry. Thanks to developers like Giovanna, we are enhancing our service, by better connecting our people to our portfolio and more effectively monitoring, reducing disruption and improving uptime for our customers and their passengers.

How Otis keeps evolving smart city technology

Zhang N. (second from right in the image) was an aerospace engineer more than two decades ago when he decided to join Otis for one simple reason:

Otis was the only company in China using a big-name network – Cisco – and I really wanted to know how that worked!

It took Zhang about 24 days to master what was then a cutting-edge Internet solution. But he has stayed at Otis due to our company’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. From intelligent elevators to IoT solutions, digitalization has become a major focus for Otis as we continue to build the connected elevator digital ecosystem.

Zhang, now Senior Digital Technology Manager for Otis China, led the team that launched Otis Eagle System, the first mobile-based service app in China. Designed for our Service mechanics, the app digitized service operations in the field – boosting elevator maintenance efficiency and quality.

Ten years later, the Otis Eagle System (OES) remains a pillar of our field services. Together with IoT and the ability to interface with regulators, the app covers end-to-end functions, including requests for repairs, inspection, technical support, labor efficiency and route optimization, providing strong support for the growth of our Service business.

There are new things to do at Otis every year, Zhang said, citing his recent work on IoT data from our connected elevators with Otis ONE™. The insights gathered are routed to both the Otis monitoring center and field professionals using the OES app to help drive preventive maintenance and provide regulatory authorities and customers with real-time data and health reports.

China is an ideal place to pilot digitalization projects as the market is both practical and innovative.

Up next for Zhang: learning more about our manufacturing process and using digitalization to improve quality and efficiency.

Image caption: Zhang (second from right) visits a field location, exploring ways to upgrade OES.

Otis ONE™ enables this mechanic to respond to customers remotely 

Damon L. never expected to be a pioneer. He joined Otis five years ago from the construction industry because he was impressed with the opportunities and where Otis could take his career. I was fortunate to join Otis in time to be part of the launch of the Service Transformation with Signature Service, he said.

Fast forward to today: Damon is now a Service Field Supervisor. And he and his team are responsible for the ongoing service maintenance within the 19-story Kwai Ying residential building – the first building in Hong Kong with equipment powered by Otis ONE.

I’m really proud to be a part of the Otis team working on the first building in Hong Kong with elevators connected via Otis ONE, Damon said I hope many more buildings become equipped with Otis ONE in the future.

Why does this building stand out? Otis ONE is our Internet of Things (IoT) solution that connects elevators to the cloud to not only deliver a seamless passenger experience, but also provide real-time data insights for remote elevator monitoring and an overall enhanced building performance.

Receiving real-time notifications – even before a customer reaches out to identify an issue – helps streamline our work, he said. Otis ONE helps my team to identify the location of the breakdown quickly and accurately.

I also like the ability to check the call-back status of our entire portfolio from the previous night right from my iPhone, so I can plan an efficient call-back schedule for the day, he said. It’s a huge advantage to providing the best customer service.

At Otis, we are reimagining what elevators can be, and Otis ONE is just one example of how we’re accelerating digitalization and finding new ways to use IoT and AI technology to better serve our customers. Overall, about 800,000 units in our global service portfolio are connected through various product offerings, allowing our field professionals to minimize service disruptions through 24/7 remote monitoring and providing proactive and transparent support to our loyal customers.

Real-time data keeps Otis units running smoothly in Singapore

Otis ONE™ technology + our colleague’s skills and commitment = a win for customers

Otis Mechanic Gayas Q. enjoys troubleshooting and solving problems for his customers. With Otis ONE, he’s able to access information about elevator units -- right at his fingertips.

Using machine learning and cloud technology, Otis ONE provides our mechanics with predictive elevator maintenance insights, often allowing them to resolve issues before a customer reaches out. All Gayas needs to do is sign in to start troubleshooting any issues. When a callback comes, he can rely on Otis ONE™ to identify the event log.

This translates to greater efficiency and better deployment of resources for both parties – Otis and our customers. It is game changer, he said. I am also able to obtain the replacement parts before going down to the jobsite. This saves me a lot of time and at the same time, I am able guide the junior mechanics I work with.

Gayas, who started his career as an electrical technician, has been with Otis Singapore for about 17 years. It makes me proud that I am playing a part to support Singapore’s urban infrastructure growth, he said.

To perform well in the lift and escalator industry, you need to acquire specialized skillsets and technical knowledge, he explained. Otis has provided me with the necessary training, and I now have the required technical knowledge to be working at Otis, the world’s leading company in this industry.

Hear what our mechanics are saying

In China, Otis ONE™ is revolutionizing the way we deliver Service

After working for nearly a decade as an Otis field professional in China, Sailong W. knows what to expect on the job. This includes staying on a tight schedule, anticipating requests from his customers and property managers, preparing for government inspections, and keeping the elevators under his watch running efficiently and safely for his passengers.

Efficiency is important for Sailong as more people in China continue to move into cities. Today, more than 60% of China’s population live in cities, and that number is projected to approach close to 1.1 billion people by 2050*.

In 2018, Otis China launched Otis ONE, a new digital service platform powered by the Internet of Things (IoT). Sailong says this platform has significantly improved the service he provides to his customers.

What impressed me most was the first time I received a fault notification, Sailong explains. At the time, an elevator car door was stuck open by an object and could not close.

Sailong stopped what he was doing and drove to the job site. When he arrived, he confirmed the issue was exactly what his Otis ONE fault alert flagged and solved the problem quickly. When the property management arrived, the elevator had already resumed operations before any resident even noticed.

For an elevator technician who had spent years visiting job sites after receiving a call from a customer, fixing the problem before his customer even knew about it was revolutionary.

I deep dived into studying the features of Otis ONE, asking my colleagues to join me and learn together, Sailong says. All the data for the elevators are on display on our mobile devices. The information supports us in making educated judgments in carrying out service work.

Unsurprisingly, Sailong's customers are benefiting from Otis ONE as well with increased uptime and fewer service disruptions.

Learn more about Otis ONE and how it is bringing the next generation of service to our customers.

*According to data from Statista

Modern technology helps to provide a personalized touch

All of his customers know Otis mechanic Damon P. on a first-name basis. He wouldn’t have it any other way.

They have my phone number, and I talk with each one frequently, Damon says. There doesn’t have to be a service-related reason to have a conversation. I just really like the people I work with.

Having strong customer relationships helps Damon feel connected to his customers, so he can more quickly assess their needs. Couple that with the power of Otis ONE IoT technology that connects elevators to the cloud and provides cutting-edge insights your equipment. This puts Damon ahead of the curve when he is needed most.

A customer called me to say two of their elevators were down, Damon explains. I pulled up the Otis ONE app and saw that one car would be easier to fix because of the type of repair. So when I arrived, I focused on getting that unit running first because I knew that would minimize downtime.

Otis ONE was designed to meet the evolving needs of our customers by connecting elevators to the cloud. Putting modern, digital technologies in the hands of our expert technicians provides an unmatched level of customer service that also helps demystify what elevators are capable of in today’s world.

Elevators are becoming more digital every day, and I take pride in talking about the value of adding Otis ONE to my customers’ buildings. 

An Otis mechanic identified an elevator shutdown with Otis ONE™—before the customer even noticed

Located near one of the world’s busiest airports is a multi-story office complex boasting over 580,000 square feet of office and conference space. Thousands of office workers and conference guests rely on the building’s numerous elevators to get where they need to go each day. One early Monday morning last year, an elevator in the building was out of service in need of repair. To get it up and running, onsite technician support was needed. And on this particular day, the property was hosting a major conference, which made the situation even more critical. The shutdown had the potential to cause massive delays.

Luckily, Bernd J., an Otis mechanic with more than 30-years of experience, saw the problem on his Otis ONE app early that morning as soon as he started his day. The Otis ONE IoT digital platform uses artificial intelligence, machine learning and cloud technology to provide our mechanics with predictive maintenance insights and our customers with real-time information on the status of their elevators.

I usually check the app during breakfast to see if everything is ‘green’ — which means all units are running smoothly, Bernd says. On this day, Bernd noticed one of the elevators at the customer site was shutdown requiring onsite support. Bernd hopped into his Otis van and was onsite by 7:30 a.m. The customer was surprised – and also very pleased – to see him there as the building staff had not yet noticed there was an elevator requiring repair.

Bernd’s dedication, supported by Otis ONE technology, allowed him to get the elevator back up and running before most of the office staff and conference guests had even arrived. The bottom line is Otis ONE means faster troubleshooting and higher system reliability for our customers, added Bernd.

How Otis ONE™ keeps one university campus moving forward 

Nestled in the heart of Atlanta, Georgia, an Otis customer brings together thousands of students and administrative staff members each semester to create the next generation of world leaders. With that mission in mind, keeping everyone moving on campus is essential.  

The university relies on over 200 elevators, each one playing a key role in keeping students, faculty and administrators on the move. When an elevator is down, it disrupts operations and risks taking time away from the students' education. 

Otis field professional Dwight P., responsible for elevator maintenance on campus, appreciates this. So he uses a different kind of learning — machine learning — with his Otis ONE™ app to save time on the job and keep his team working efficiently. The Otis ONE digital IoT platform uses artificial intelligence, machine learning and cloud technology to provide our customers with real-time information and our mechanics with predictive maintenance insights that help enhance elevator uptime.

On every call, I used to have to go to the machine room and sign into the controller to look at the fault log before I could even get started, said Dwight. But with Otis ONE, it's all right in front of me on my smart phone, and it saves me valuable time on the job.

Otis ONE also helps Dwight prioritize which elevators need attention first, especially when multiple units across campus are reported to need service at once. Sometimes when an elevator is reported as not functioning, it's a false report, according to Dwight, so the Otis ONE solution helps the team on the ground assess the situation quickly. 

Users sometimes report an elevator as not functioning by mistake or simply walking away while waiting, not realizing the elevator is running a diagnostic check, said Dwight. With Otis ONE, I can see how recently an elevator door cycled — meaning how frequently it opened and closed — which allows me to see if a unit is actually out of service or not. This information helps me prioritize calls more effectively and keeps my team from ping-ponging all over campus, saving lots of time.

Learn more about Otis ONE and how it can save your site time and money.